Raise a glass! I’m popping the virtual champagne and showering confetti as I announce this monumental milestone: 100 blogs! Yup, 100 editions of Life fully loved over the past two years. Woohoo!
I’ve used this space to write about careers and leadership from a coaching lens, on the following topics:
- Gaining Clarity
- Identifying Internal Motivation
- Finding What You’re Meant to Do
- Achieving – and Sustaining – Peak Form
- Addressing Imposter Syndrome
- Shifting Negative Thinking (Saboteurs)
- Developing Balance
- Handling Overwhelm and/or Burnout
- Improving Long-Term thinking/Strategy
- Providing Direction (Managing Others)
- Leadership Qualities
- Communicating Effectively
- Creating Vision
- Recognition & Reward
Through my writing and coaching, I want to build a kinder, gentler world by connecting people internally with who they are and externally through their relationships with others and how they give back to the world.
Playful Enthusiasm
The discipline involved with weekly writing has meant I’ve looked at my topics from multiple angles. Yet discipline isn’t what motivates me to keep wr iting. Discipline is code for “willpower” and willpower can only take you so far.
Playful enthusiasm – the creative aspect of writing – has led me here. Carl Jung said, “The creative mind plays with the objects it loves,” and, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I LOVE coaching.
In the past few years, I’ve finally shone my light. I’m reminded of Marianne Williamson’s prayer, “Our Deepest Fear,” where she says, “Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine…”
Shining my Light
In order to shine my light, I’ve received lots of help along the way apart from coach training. Specifically with writing, Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way has proven invaluable. Writing daily Morning Pages gave me clarity I wouldn’t have obtained otherwise. Connecting with wise friends and family – you know who you are and I thank you! – has assisted me too. Reading, which I’ve mentioned before, informs what I write about and how I explain it.
I share my well-lit path with you freely in case you find some parts worth exploring. My path has shown me enlightenment is not just a spiritual process but a practical one too. Enlightenment comes from deepened self-awareness and that only happens by looking within.
The Lantern
I’ve used light as a metaphor repeatedly in Life fully loved because it connects so closely to coaching for me.
Picture coaching as a lantern:
- Sometimes I carry your lantern through the fog to help you see clearly;
- I may hold up the lantern to your face so you can see your reflection in the light;
- The lantern may swing between us as we both hold it, highlighting the roadblocks and rest stations on the path forward;
- You may carry the lantern because you know where you’re going and my role is to bear witness.
Lantern Certificate
To celebrate 100 blogs, I’m offering $100 Lantern Gift Certificates. Use them for yourself, friends, and loved ones, that is, anyone who may want guidance. You can book a 1:1 session with me or apply it to a coaching package (individual or group). Use it for a future workshop I’ll run, take my networking course, or get my book. There’s no end date for redeeming the Lantern Certificate.
I simply want you to shine your light.
As we approach the end of 2023, I return to Marianne Williamson’s prayer. My final toast for you is that “…as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
Be a light. Shine your lantern. Let’s celebrate!
Lantern Gift Certificate
Shine your light!
Use the $100 Lantern Gift Certificate for yourself, friends, and loved ones.
- Book a (reduced rate) 1:1 session with me
- Apply it to coaching package (individual or group)
- Use it for a future workshop I’ll conduct
- Take my networking course
- Get my eBook
Limited time offer (until Dec. 31, 2023) but no end date for redemption.