All your answers are within you. The trick is to get past the lies of the ego – the voices of your Judge and saboteurs – to find that quiet stillness.
I’ve shared tools with you on how to do so in the past. You can successfully shift from negative Saboteur talk to positive Sage thinking by doing PQ reps.
PQ reps help you to get present. When you are present, that is, grounded in your body, you experience strong focus, confidence, intuition, and internal guidance.
Barriers to Entry
However, the barriers to entry – to accessing the present moment – seem too high in the hyper-stimulating world of excess. The constant reinforcement of “go, go, go” is a siren song that’s almost impossible to resist. It’s less effort to stay in the illusory outer world and express external dissatisfaction instead of doing the inner work that actually changes how the world functions from the inside out.
Aye, there’s the rub. Because it’s possible you want the world to change for you. “If only X didn’t do Y, then I’d be happy.” The third expression of The Judge is to judge circumstances (the other two include judging yourself and judging others).
It took me decades to realize that if I want to change the world, I need to change myself first. Only then will the world around me change. When Gandhi says, “Be the change you wish to see in the world” it’s often associated as a call to action. Focus on his opening, though: “Be the change.” He’s talking about embodying what you want to see.
Life Experiences
You’re here to have experiences, to live a life fully loved. Yet how many are truly living? Too many are surviving not thriving or living lives smaller than they’re called for. As Marianne Williamson says, “Your playing small does not serve the world.”
External noise masks what’s important. It keeps you surface level, treading water. To grow as a person you need to take deep dives. Deep dives let you focus on what matters – being present in your body, feeling alive.
Joseph Campbell said it best: “People say that what you’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what you’re really seeking. I think that what you’re seeking is an experience of being alive…”
He’s not saying there isn’t value in a purpose-driven (meaningful) life. In fact, a purpose-driven life is inherently more fulfilling.
Campbell is saying that it doesn’t end there. You want to feel alive because you are here to have experiences in this body you’ve chosen.
Internal Experience
To be alive is ultimately an internal experience because you must feel it. It comes from being present in your body. You can’t feel alive through external events because, by their very nature, they exist outside the body.
Disconnection occurs when you look externally to be filled up because the external can never completely fill your bucket. People are imperfect and some circumstances really suck. Peak moments end, summer turns to fall.
Leader Within
I encourage you to return to finding that voice of inner quiet, your Leader Within. Beyond the noise, there is a place you can access for all the guidance you’ll ever need. It’s your voice of inner wisdom, God, Spirit, the Universe. All of these terms hold true. They are all manifestations of love.
Header Photo by Fabrizio Chiagano on Unsplash