Boost your Positive Intelligence. Build core mental fitness skills.

I provide career coaching to business professionals seeking career advancement, those in career transition or reinvention, individuals in the career exploration and discovery space, and individuals facing career challenges.

Coaching starts from the premise that you are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. By asking powerful questions, I stimulate new thought processes to help you gain insight into two primary areas of coaching: identifying who you are and what you want.

My approach involves two key attributes:


Gain self-awareness by identifying your values, specifically, what motivates you intrinsically.

Positive Mindset

Develop a positive mindset to face opportunities and challenges with ease.

what happens in a coaching session

What happens in a coaching session

Coaching is a client-driven experience. I partner with you so you can lead a life fully loved.

Each session has a topic of focus which depends on the coaching program you choose. However, all the coaching programs follow the same arc: Discovery, Deep Dive, Action Plan, and Accountability Reinforcement.

At the end of each session, you will receive homework customized to your journey, cultivated to best facilitate your development. Homework becomes the training ground for creating new habits that support a growth mindset.

Do you want to make a positive change in the world?

Leveraging the Positive Intelligence (PQ) and Working Genius operating systems, you will identify your legacy – how you want to make the world a better place. Through deep self-awareness, you will develop a stronger executive presence. You will understand how to use your energy optimally so you can effect change, explore your specific leadership style, and acquire new tools for better decision-making. Finally, you will develop your vision by connecting your leadership style to your values and your purpose.

Get clear on how to be the change you want to see. This long-term investment is for professionals seeking career reinvention, those in later-stage career transition, and/or those ready to make a big impact.

I offer two short-term coaching programs called Career Focus and Life fully loved. Career Focus helps you find what you’re meant to do while Life fully loved gives you tools for building and sustaining a growth mindset.

Career Focus is designed for navigating the complexities of career exploration. Whether you are a recent graduate entering the workforce or an early-stage professional defining your career path, this proven program will provide you with the guidance you need to make informed and fulfilling career choices.

Life fully loved delivers practical skills, using the highly regarded Positive Intelligence (PQ) methodology, on recognizing how you specifically self-sabotage in negative moments and how to recalibrate to a better frame of mind. It’s for professionals facing career challenges such as job loss, burnout, job dissatisfaction, and/or work-life balance. It is also ideal for professionals seeking realignment between career and their passions/values.

Packages designed to help you on your journey

Develop self-awareness and nurture a positive mindset through coaching packages that empower you personally and professionally.

Courses now available

Enroll and learn more about the courses I offer.

Coaching is life changing. It pushes you outside your comfort zone and challenges your perspectives.  It is highly motivating and the exercises and techniques used are both fun and informative.  I think the main benefits of coaching are to see yourself, others and the world more clearly.  I think coaching is valuable to anyone regardless of where you are in your life or career.


You have to be open minded in order to grow. The coaching that Laura gave me opened my eyes to what and how I was doing things and allowed me to see the bigger picture. I am not done yet but I already see the changes in my everyday life.