Random Acts of Kindness
I opened my front door to run errands and found a floral bouquet in my mailbox. As I pulled it out, I found Jujubes and a card as well. What a juicy surprise! The card said,
I popped by today / but I couldn’t stay / I hope these brighten your day!
I didn’t see a name on it indicating the sender. Hmmm, who doesn’t love a little sleuthing while eating Jujubes?

Photo by Chaewon Lee on Unsplash
The handwriting was clearly female so I reached out to Friend #1 and asked her, “Did you drop off flowers and Jujubes to my house?” Nope, came the reply. I tried Friend #2. Identical response. Same with Friend #3. Now I was stumped. I paused my Jujube fest to do those errands and let it go for a while.

Later that evening, it came to me when I stopped thinking about it – and isn’t that a lesson we need more often?
Solutions present themselves when we let go of controlling the narrative.
The surprise was from a dear friend who lives out of town. It never crossed my mind it could be her because it meant she was in Toronto, thought of me, and took the extra step of giving me a little “pick-me-up” before she travelled home.
She made my day. I felt acknowledged and cared for. As I spoke with the other friends, I heard comments like, “I wish it was me [who gave you the flowers and Jujubes]” and “Sadly not me.” I thought to myself, what a simple act of kindness and what joy it brought me. I wanted to spread this love to others.
Paying it Forward
The next day I did so. I gathered a basket of goodies – of course it included chicken soup – and dropped it off at a friend’s house who felt a bit under the weather. She was thrilled with the “nurturing” (her words).

Photo by Oleg Illarionov on Unsplash